Posts made in October, 2020


»Posted by on Oct 5, 2020 in Kratom | 0 comments



People would love to eat cakes and pastries, candies and even more of the chocolates. It is common for us since most of the people have sweet tooth. Most of us believe that and based on what they have read that sweet food can make people more energetic and gives them enough body boost to finish the work or their task throughout the day.  

Some would even eat these kinds of food to get away from sleepiness due to that they don’t want to drink coffee as it is not good for their body as it may lead to being acidic and can’t sleep at night. But too much intake of sweet foods and snacks could also result in being diabetic and being tired the whole day or being fat to some people. Remember that we are just humans and we can’t control what is inside of our body.  

When you have too high sugar level in your blood that could possibly result in a lot of diseases and illnesses like heart problem, blurry eyesight, something wrong with your kidneys and even to your appetite. The tendency is that you would take too much medication or you would try some herbal medicine like Chula Vista kratom to lower the blood sugar or eating healthy foods like that. While your blood sugar status is not that serious, you should know some of the indications before it is too late.  

1. It is normal that we go to the toilet to pee. But too much or frequent times of going there is a sign that there is something wrong with your blood sugar level. You need to know that it would more likely to go to your both kidneys and have more liquid like water inside of it. It is for those people who keep on going to the toilet and keep on urinating but the number of glasses of water that they drink is just the same.  

2. We tend to be tired because of too much work or being stress at work and school. But it is not normal anymore if you are tired the whole day and the whole time. Like what we knew, sweets can give you or boost your energy level but too much of it will just be wasted as it can’t digest all and that would result now to being sleepy or tired.  

3. When you are in a hot place. Then, the chance is that you will be thirsty and you want to drink many glasses of water. But if you are inside the house or in a place where it is cool but you feel very thirsty and you think that you are thirsty all the time. Then, that is another sign that you need to check your blood sugar level.  

4. The most common sign of being diabetic is that your eyesight is getting worse and you can’t see things clearly as it becomes blurry to you.  

5. Your weight is not normal anymore and it keeps on decreasing.  

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